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3 Ways Gum Disease Affects Your Quality of Life

Some people give little thought to their teeth until something goes wrong. Developing pain or a dental condition is often seen as a normal part of life. It doesn’t have to be that way, however. With proper care and maintenance, you could potentially enjoy dental comfort throughout your lifetime and in doing so, improve your overall quality of life.

3 Ways Gum Disease Affects Your Quality of Life

3 Ways Gum Disease Affects Your Quality of Life


Even in gum disease's early stages, called gingivitis, patients report some level of discomfort, according to a recent study featured in the Journal of Periodontal Research. This discomfort increased when patients wear dentures or brush their teeth. When treating gum disease in our Monroe Township dental office, we make every attempt to catch gum disease in this stage, when it is easiest to treat.

Social Implications

One of the symptoms of periodontal disease is bad breath, also called halitosis. The bad breath that accompanies gum disease goes beyond coffee or garlic breath. The smell of infection in your gums can be off-putting, and you may find your social or romantic life suffers.


When left untreated, gingivitis will develop into periodontitis, a serious form of gum disease characterized by red swollen gums, tooth mobility, and tooth loss. Most patients find this has the most negative impact on their quality of life. Tooth loss can damage how you feel about your appearance and prevent you from smiling. Since your smile is part of every first impression you make, you may feel like you can’t be yourself. In this stage, even eating can be a chore.

There is good news. In our Monroe Township dental office, we treat gum disease at every stage. We do so without making patients feel guilty for their oral health history or for missing dental appointments. The key to effective treatment is to treat your condition now, before it worsens.

Give us a call to get started today!

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