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Three Tips for Finding a Kids’ Dentist in Monroe Township, New Jersey

If you are like many of our patients at Monroe Dental Arts, you may have questions regarding your child’s dental care.

Three Tips for Finding a Kids’ Dentist in Monroe Township, New Jersey

Teaching young children about the importance of dental hygiene may seem like a daunting task, particularly to first-time parents, but building a solid foundation early in life is an important step in establishing quality dental habits that will last a lifetime.

Dr. Virdee offers the following three tips to consider when selecting a kids’ dentist in Monroe Township, NJ:

1.  Determine Your Dentist’s Stance on Early Childhood Dental Visits

Our practice believes in seeing kids for their first visit by their first birthday, a stance that is backed by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

Proper dental habits are learned early in life and then practiced and refined as time goes on, so the earlier your child becomes comfortable visiting the dentist, the better. Your child’s dentist should also encourage frequent office visits that begin when the child is still young. Call our office at (609) 662-4406 to schedule a consultation with your child and Dr. Virdee today.

2.  Choose a Dentist with a Proven Track Record

The dental needs of children differ from the dental needs of most adults, and it is important to find a dentist who is experienced in pediatric care. A different approach to treatment is required when working with small children, and it is crucial that the dentist you entrust with your child’s care knows how to cater to the individual needs of each patient.

Dr. Virdee has been working with children of all ages at Monroe Dental Arts for years. To find out more about how our experienced treatment team can help make your children more comfortable at the dentist, please contact our office staff.

3.  Find a Provider Willing to Work with the Entire Family

Although regular visits to the dentist are a crucial part of your child’s overall wellness plan, the majority of healthy dental habits are learned in the home. Teaching proper brushing, flossing, and mouthwash techniques as well as frequently demonstrating and practicing them, can help ensure your children are taught the same principles at home as they learn at our office.

The more unified your child’s dental treatment team is, the more success the child tends to have as they continue to grow up.

If you are searching for a kids’ dentist in Monroe Township, NJ who truly cares about helping your young children understand and appreciate the importance of a good oral hygiene routine, look no further than Dr. Har Simran K. Virdee.

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