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What is the most popular cosmetic dental procedure?

Having crooked, dull, or misshapen teeth can keep you from smiling or interacting with others. Fortunately, Monroe Dental Arts offers cosmetic dentistry of the highest quality so that you can achieve your best smile. Many people ask us, “What is the most popular cosmetic dental procedure,” but there isn’t just one! There are many cosmetic dental treatments people have to transform their smiles and enhance their appearance.

Here are some of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures in Monroe Township, NJ.

#1 Professional Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is perhaps the quickest way to upgrade your smile. Professional teeth whitening at our Monroe Township dental office provides personalized and thorough results so that you can expect exceptional stunning outcomes every time. Your Monroe dentist prefers GLO™ Science Teeth Whitening in-office and at-home systems because patients adore the results. GLO™ dental bleaching accelerates treatment time using light activation, removes tough dental stains, and can improve your smile up to five shades whiter.

#2 Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are natural-looking tooth coverings that can correct the appearance of crooked, misshapen, cracked, chipped, or discolored teeth. Veneers are stain-resistant and can give you a celebrity-style smile in no time.

#3 Tooth-Colored Fillings and Aesthetic Dental Bonding

What is the most popular cosmetic dental procedure?

Both tooth-colored fillings and aesthetic dental bonding use composite resin your dentist matches to blend in with your surrounding teeth seamlessly. Tooth-colored fillings are primarily used to treat dental decay. Unlike metal fillings, white composite resin fillings are long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing. Dental bonding is used to improve the appearance of your teeth by fixing cracks, chips, discoloration, and size and shape discrepancies.

#4 Invisalign® Clear Aligners

If you have crooked or overlapping teeth, Invisalign clear aligners can straighten your teeth and balance your bite without the inconveniences of metal braces. Invisalign gradually nudges your teeth into alignment using clear plastic removable trays that fit over the teeth. Many patients can achieve a more symmetrical smile in 12–18 months with Invisalign invisible braces.

Contact a Cosmetic Dentist Near Me

Dr. Virdee is a skilled and experienced cosmetic dentist in Monroe Township, NJ. If you have crooked, yellow, or damaged teeth, our team at Monroe Dental Arts can turn your smile into a true masterpiece! Please get in touch with us today to schedule your cosmetic dentistry consultation.
We look forward to helping you discover your dream smile!

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