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Discover the 5 Ways Invisalign Can Benefit You

Your smile is integral in making a lasting impression and forming close personal and professional bonds. If you're not happy with how your smile looks, you might subconsciously hide it, which can affect those bonds and even hinder your professional success.

If you have crooked or overlapping teeth, Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that you might be interested in. Here's why Invisalign in Monroe Township, NJ is becoming a well-known and favored dental procedure and why adults are choosing it to create a straighter smile.

Close up of woman using invisalign

Benefits of Invisalign

  • Discreet—When you wear your Invisalign aligners and engage in conversation with someone, they rarely notice that you're wearing something over your teeth. The clear plastic aligners are hardly noticeable and nearly invisible.
  • Efficient—Invisalign gently shifts your teeth with each set of new aligners; the process is reliable and time-effective.
  • Minimally Invasive—Since you can remove your aligners before meals, to brush and floss, and even to go out for a special event, they don't change your routine. Patients can also remove them before an important presentation or meeting.
  • Cost-effective—Invisalign can be less expensive than metal braces since it can be accomplished efficiently, and may not be a full smile treatment.
  • Reliable—Patients consistently love the results of their orthodontic treatment with Invisalign. They can smile with confidence and enjoy the investment they made in themselves.
  • Diet—Unlike traditional metal braces, you can remove Invisalign aligners before you eat. This means you can continue to enjoy eating whatever you would like.
  • Hygenic—Traditional braces can be hard to clean. Removable plastic aligners mean you can brush and floss your teeth like you normally would, and cleaning the aligners is very simple and straightforward.
  • Oral health—A straight smile looks attractive and symmetrical, but it also means better oral health. A straighter smile is easier to clean hard to reach places.

Are You Ready to Straighten Your Teeth in Monroe Township?

If you are considering Invisalign, Dr. Har Simran K. Virdee at Monroe Dental Arts can help you go over all your orthodontic options and figure out which option works best for your smile needs and budget. Call us today at (609) 662-4406 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment.

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