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Orthodontics—It’s Not Just for Teenagers Anymore

If you are an adult who did not have braces when you were an adolescent or teen, you might have resigned yourself to having misaligned teeth for the rest of your life. But the good news is that there are orthodontics options available at our Monroe Township, NJ dental practice that fit the adult lifestyle.

Orthodontics—It’s Not Just for Teenagers Anymore

Invisalign straightens teeth using clear plastic aligners rather than traditional wires and brackets. From social events to professional meetings, adults can feel confident with clear plastic aligners that are virtually invisible—even to someone sitting directly across from you.

Invisalign Has Many Advantages

Not only does Invisalign use nearly invisible plastic aligners to straighten teeth, but those opting for this treatment enjoy other advantages to this treatment:

  • Treatment is usually quicker than with traditional orthodontics, with most patients obtaining their straight smile in six to 18 months.
  • There are no eating restrictions with Invisalign since they are removed for eating, so you can enjoy all of your favorite foods without worrying about anything getting stuck in your braces.
  • Because you remove the plastic aligners for cleaning your teeth, most patients can continue to enjoy good oral health even while undergoing treatment because you can brush and floss as you’ve always done.

It is crucial for patients to be compliant with treatment instructions when they opt for Invisalign. If patients do not wear the aligners for the prescribed number of hours per day—usually about 22 hours—they might not see the results they were hoping for.

Call Monroe Dental Arts for More Information

If you are wondering if you are a good candidate for this orthodontics treatment, contact our Monroe Township, NJ dental practice. We’ll have you in for a consultation, and Dr. Virdee will conduct an examination to determine your best route to a straight smile. Give us a call today!

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