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Our clinic will be closed on July 3 – July 7, 2023. For inquiries and/or reservations, call us at 609-662-4406

3 Benefits of a Dental Bridge Over Implants

While dental implants are considered the gold standard of teeth replacement options, they are not for everyone. Plenty of our patients still opt for dental bridges in our Monroe Township, NJ dental office. Dental bridges look more natural than ever and blend in with your teeth for an unnoticeable and seamless smile.  We often recommend dental bridges at Monroe Dental Arts. Here are three reasons why.

3 Benefits of a Dental Bridge Over Implants

You Want to Avoid Surgery

If you have a heart condition that requires premedication, take blood thinners, or shy away from surgery for other reasons, a dental bridge will fill the gap in your smile without the need for surgery. While dental implants do not offer the same benefits for bone retention, they do prevent your teeth from shifting and prevent a negative impact on your bite.

Dental bridges are more durable than ever because of the advancements in materials and improved techniques. We work closely with the most skilled local technicians for the best results.

You Have Significant Bone Loss

If you do not have enough bone to support a dental implant, facing additional procedures such as bone grafting can feel daunting. A dental bridge helps you avoid all of that. You can fill the gap in your smile without lengthy procedures, which is especially useful for patients who want a solution now.

You Want Fast Results

Dental implants do require a bit of patience. Because they need time to integrate with bone, waiting 4-6 months for osseointegration to occur might be a bigger commitment than you are willing to make. Dental bridges take about 2-3 weeks in our Monroe Township, NJ dental office. This makes it a more instant solution for patients who travel frequently or who just do not want to wait for dental implants to take hold.

Give us a call to find the right tooth replacement option for your smile.

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